Top Business Group for Human Resources

Job Evaluation & Salary Structure

Date Sunday 14-07-2024 Category Human Resources

Course Overview
Job Evaluation & Salary Structure course is an interactive training program designed to provide participants the opportunity to review and evaluate their current employees’ salaries in order to build a professional salary structure balancing internal equity together with external competitiveness.

Course Outline
Module 1: Salary Survey
  • 4 forms of equity and how to address each
  • Aim of conducting salary survey
  • Formal and informal surveys
  • Quartiles and percentiles
  • What else should be surveyed?
Module 2: Job Evaluation
  • Identifying Compensable factors
  • Determining the relative worth of jobs
  • Different job evaluation systems
    • Job Ranking
    • Job Classification
    • Factor Comparison
    • Point Method
  • Pros and cons of each method, and when to use each?
Module 3: Job Grading
  • Grouping similar jobs into pay grades
  • Job families
  • Grading methodologies
  • Broadbanding
Module 4: Pricing pay grades
  • Plotting the wage curve
  • Market pricing of jobs
  • Establishing a strategic pay plan
Module 5: Fine Tune pay rates
  • Developing pay ranges
    • The minimum starting
    • The mid-point
    • The maximum
  • Correcting out-of-line rates
  • Managing red and green circles
Training Methodology
  • This course is a highly interactive training course, providing each participant the opportunity to exchange views and learn from other’s experiences. Moreover it includes a range of case studies, group guided discussions, workshops and exercises.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Analyze a given salary survey
  • Balance internal equity with external competitivenesse
  • Avoid and manage salary compression
  • Establish a strategic pay plan
Who Should Attend
  • HR & Compensation Professionals
  • Managers who are involved in Salary Structure
Course Duration
  • Two days from 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Registration Deadline
  • One week before the course date
Course Venue
  • Top Business premises: 17, Abdel Wahab Selim Elbeshry St. Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
Registration & Payment:
  • Course fees include material (Soft Copy), light lunch, coffee break and certificate.
  • Payment by cheque in Top Business’s name, cash to our address or by bank transfer.
  • Payment is due within 3 working days from course confirmation. Your registration is confirmed only after course payment
  • Payment is nonrefundable, however participant can be substituted or can attend next confirmed round of the same course or another course.