Top Business Group for Human Resources

Business Writing Skills & Netiquette

Date Monday 07-10-2024 Category Administration

Course Overview
These sections are to enrich your writing skills especially how to write effective e-mails as a means of communication. We will go over how to write the most common business documents including Reports, Letters, Memorandum and Minutes of meeting by using the right format, improving writing style and tone, and developing efficient writing habits. This is in addition to discussing some e-mail netiquettes.
Course Outline
Session 1:
  • How do people communicate?
  • Fundamentals of Business Writing
  • Using correct language and punctuation
  • Improve your writing style
  • Developing efficient writing habits
Session 2:
  • Strategic uses of email
  • The elements of E-mail netiquette:
    • General format
      • The basics
      • Character spacing
      • Lists and bullets
      • Tone
      • Addresses
    • Evaluating effectiveness
      • Downfalls of email
      • E-mail business netiquette short list
Session 3:
  • How to write a MEMO (Memorandum)
  • Writing business letters
  • Short report writing
  • Minutes of meeting
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Communicate better using written communication including e-mails
  • Compose written and online correspondences
  • Update and improve their business writing skills for more effective and persuasive communication
  • Be familiar with netiquettes
  • Apply and evaluate their e-mails
Who Should Attend
  • Managers & employees from all departments who would like to improve their Business Writing Skills
  • Engineers & Scientists
  • Admin staff : “Office Managers, Admin Assistant & Executive Secretary”
Course Duration
  • Three days from 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Registration Deadline
  • One week before the course date
Course Venue
  • Top Business premises: 17, Abdel Wahab Selim Elbeshry St. Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
Registration & Payment
  • Course fees include material (Soft Copy), light lunch, coffee break and certificate.
  • Payment by cheque in Top Business’s name, cash to our address or by bank transfer.
  • Payment is due within 3 working days from course confirmation. Your registration is confirmed only after course payment
  • Payment is nonrefundable, however participant can be substituted or can attend next confirmed round of the same course or another course.


Course Date
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